Druids Coffee House Lectures

The Druids´ Coffee House Lectures

The Druids´ Coffee House Lectures

In the 17th century, philosophers met in coffee houses and exchanged ideas. We take up this tradition again and offer exciting lectures by personalities from Druidry followed by a panel discussion. Coffee, not coincidentally, also has to do with the continental location.

The Druids´ Coffee House facilitates courses and talks from different speakers at different locations including online talks. The lectures can either be one-time talks or a series of lectures covering a course program on Druid philosophy, mysticism or other topics. The talks and lectures also offer a forum for discussion which creates a lively community experience.

The Druid Philosophy Lectures

In the druid philosophy lectures we cover the history of pagan philosophy in a cycle of six months with private readings and monthly video discussion forums. The participants are recommended to read 50 pages on average per month in order to follow the lecture series. The series will start in September 2023.

The Druid Mysticism Lectures

Druid Mysticism is a branch of Mysticism similar to Buddhist or Christian Mysticism. It covers the spiritual development and the ways to mystical experiences. The series of lectures will be lead by experienced Druid practitioners and help you to understand and experience the mystical path of Druidry.

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